found from Jelfin's Investment Blog
Here's what he has to say,
just concluded my first contest and my RSS subscribers did increase from a miserly single-digit to 20. I am quite contended even though, this is nothing to crow about, if measured against a professional marketer.
Anyway, to keep the momentum going, I will launch a second contest. This time, I will offer some cash money and Entrecard credits. Any blogger can enter to win this $25 via paypal and 2000 Entrecard credits. Winner will be chosen and announced at the end of the month.
Once again, the contest rules are simple. Yes, I love to keep things simple.
To enter, just
1. Subscribe to my RSS Feed. If you have done so, you are entered too.
2. Write a post spreading word of this contest to others in the blogosphere. Your post must contain a link back to this post.
3. Leave a comment in this post and the link which you have written the contest for me to verify.
4. Please announce the winning in your blog, to ensure the money is really paid out.
That is all for the rules. Good luck to all participants.
This blog started as a journal for my then 2 year old daughter, hence the title sweet, pretty and naughty, where I wrote her "first" adventures as a toddler. Fast forward to today..I'm in Brunei, trying my way through the adventures of what life will offer me. Expect to read about architecture,interior design, travel & most of all my musings as a mom. This blog is dedicated to my you always. - Mommy
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Win $25 from Profitale
This is a contest from Profitale,hopefully i win $25
First place: 25$ PayPal or any of the others rewards.
Second place: One (1) month 125×125 banner on the right side.
Third place: Link in any of my articles pointing to similar useful article in your blog.
For the next 3 people - Link Included to my Blog Roll.
Why I’m doing it?
No need to lie you, that’s a way of self promoting, and the benefits of it will be a lot better than those $25! If you think I’m lying, simply don’t participate, it is easy as this.
Who can participate?
Everyone can participate, however if I detect that you cheat and register with multiple users you will be removed.
How can I participate?
1) Commenting!
Notes: As a begining you can simply post a comment bellow, or in any thread at the site since today. If you did it in another thread however, you have to inform me here again.
Reward: A comment brings you one entry in the contest.
2) Subscribing via email!
Note: Simply subscribe to Profitale by visiting the link or the form in the top right corner. Comment in this thread including your email so I can check.
Don’t include the WHOLE email, because the spam bots can access it, include only the begining. For example if your email is, include only ‘nathalie’.
Reward: Subscription brins you one additional entry in the contest.
3) Posting about this contest!
Note: Post about this contenst in your blog, explain with a few words that there is contenst here and what has to be done to participate. This is a double-edged knife, you can 2 more entries, but eventually more people will join the contest which means bigger competition. You have to tell me if you have done this.
Reward: Two more entries in the contest.
When does contest ends?
Contest ends on 21 September, 2008!
Winners will be announced until the end of day of 11 September, 2008
First place: 25$ PayPal or any of the others rewards.
Second place: One (1) month 125×125 banner on the right side.
Third place: Link in any of my articles pointing to similar useful article in your blog.
For the next 3 people - Link Included to my Blog Roll.
Why I’m doing it?
No need to lie you, that’s a way of self promoting, and the benefits of it will be a lot better than those $25! If you think I’m lying, simply don’t participate, it is easy as this.
Who can participate?
Everyone can participate, however if I detect that you cheat and register with multiple users you will be removed.
How can I participate?
1) Commenting!
Notes: As a begining you can simply post a comment bellow, or in any thread at the site since today. If you did it in another thread however, you have to inform me here again.
Reward: A comment brings you one entry in the contest.
2) Subscribing via email!
Note: Simply subscribe to Profitale by visiting the link or the form in the top right corner. Comment in this thread including your email so I can check.
Don’t include the WHOLE email, because the spam bots can access it, include only the begining. For example if your email is, include only ‘nathalie’.
Reward: Subscription brins you one additional entry in the contest.
3) Posting about this contest!
Note: Post about this contenst in your blog, explain with a few words that there is contenst here and what has to be done to participate. This is a double-edged knife, you can 2 more entries, but eventually more people will join the contest which means bigger competition. You have to tell me if you have done this.
Reward: Two more entries in the contest.
When does contest ends?
Contest ends on 21 September, 2008!
Winners will be announced until the end of day of 11 September, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cooking games
Jea loves to play cooking games. She started to play with my laptop about a year ago, read story here since then she always ask for my laptop everytime I go home. She always loved playing cooking games. She particularly like Diner Dash. In fact we was so engrossed in the game that she called herself Chef Sheffy. She is always fascinated in cooking. I dont really know why, I very seldom cook in the house. But she likes cooking toys so much. 80% of her toys are about cooking. She have tons of toy plates, pots, spoons, etc. Even in playrooms, the first area that she will go to is the kitchen playset.
I once thought of buying her own a kitchen playset for her 3rd birthday but budget issues didnt let me. So what I did is I converted one of our cabinets into her kitchen playset. All of her toys for food games are in there. I also started collecting cereal cartons and stuck it inside her kitchen cabinet. This lined her shelf so it looks like a real kitchen pantry. If she continues her fascination in cooking games, I wouldnt be surprised if she turned out to be a real Chef when she grow up.
I downloaded a lot of ccoking games from the internet, first is Diner Dash, then the Cooking Academy. Im so happy to find They have a lot of cooking games to choose from. I tried one of their games to and Im sure Jea would love it.
I once thought of buying her own a kitchen playset for her 3rd birthday but budget issues didnt let me. So what I did is I converted one of our cabinets into her kitchen playset. All of her toys for food games are in there. I also started collecting cereal cartons and stuck it inside her kitchen cabinet. This lined her shelf so it looks like a real kitchen pantry. If she continues her fascination in cooking games, I wouldnt be surprised if she turned out to be a real Chef when she grow up.
I downloaded a lot of ccoking games from the internet, first is Diner Dash, then the Cooking Academy. Im so happy to find They have a lot of cooking games to choose from. I tried one of their games to and Im sure Jea would love it.
Kids Ahoy Share-a-book drive
You have done countless of tags and memes that somehow helped you increase your traffic. This time please join me in this tag, you will not only increase your traffic but you will be able to help put smiles on kids faces by spreading the word about Kids Ahoy Share-a-book-drive
Start copy here
RULES:1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this in one blog as long as you answer them.2. Get back to Me {architect} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list ! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the participants HERE.3. Copy from Start to End.4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.

Dear family, friends, fellow reading advocates, parents and kid-lovers here and abroad!
Want to share-a-book with Kids Ahoy?
Want to give an early Christmas gift that many kids can enjoy and benefit from?
Visit our BookWishes list for ideas
or ask us how you can help:
(Philippines) / 0920-9251891 / 4737896
(US) 949-3407190
Check out our blog post re Educators Top 100 Childrens Books: Whats your child's favorite book?
For the other MOMMIES out there who earns a lot mooolah on their blogging. You can donate by clicking on the amazon wishlist. Most books in the wishlist are priced less than $3. Or just send your kids pre-loved books. Leave a comment HERE so we can contact you how you can help.
Im passing this on to the following:
Participants: sweetprettynaughty, abbi, blogsilog,mommiespace,Napaboaniya, sassywham, eds, yen,christine,megamom, vannie, Mhay, lilet, nice, Kitts, Swept Away, The Scrapaholic Me, Love. Happiness. Us., Official Chosen Fate, Mind Bubbles, My Happy Place / Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy | Spin180, My Colorful World, Random Thoughts, Em, Jayme, Aggie, Alpha, Joy, Litzie, Peachy, Kathy, Diane, Jacq, Buge, JennyL and Jacque, Mitch , Vanidosa.Marie, Wena and Vina
end copy here
Start copy here
RULES:1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this in one blog as long as you answer them.2. Get back to Me {architect} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list ! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the participants HERE.3. Copy from Start to End.4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.

Dear family, friends, fellow reading advocates, parents and kid-lovers here and abroad!
Want to share-a-book with Kids Ahoy?
Want to give an early Christmas gift that many kids can enjoy and benefit from?
Visit our BookWishes list for ideas
or ask us how you can help:
(Philippines) / 0920-9251891 / 4737896
(US) 949-3407190
Check out our blog post re Educators Top 100 Childrens Books: Whats your child's favorite book?
For the other MOMMIES out there who earns a lot mooolah on their blogging. You can donate by clicking on the amazon wishlist. Most books in the wishlist are priced less than $3. Or just send your kids pre-loved books. Leave a comment HERE so we can contact you how you can help.
Im passing this on to the following:
Participants: sweetprettynaughty, abbi, blogsilog,mommiespace,Napaboaniya, sassywham, eds, yen,christine,megamom, vannie, Mhay, lilet, nice, Kitts, Swept Away, The Scrapaholic Me, Love. Happiness. Us., Official Chosen Fate, Mind Bubbles, My Happy Place / Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy | Spin180, My Colorful World, Random Thoughts, Em, Jayme, Aggie, Alpha, Joy, Litzie, Peachy, Kathy, Diane, Jacq, Buge, JennyL and Jacque, Mitch , Vanidosa.Marie, Wena and Vina
end copy here
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Kids Ahoy Book Drive

Dear family, friends, fellow reading advocates, parents and kid-lovers here and abroad!
Want to share-a-book with Kids Ahoy?
Want to give an early Christmas gift that many kids can enjoy and benefit from?
Visit our BookWishes list for ideas
or ask us how you can help:
(Philippines) / 0920-9251891 / 4737896
(US) 949-3407190
Check out our blog post re Educators Top 100 Childrens Books: Whats your child's favorite book?
For the other MOMMIES out there who earns a lot molah on their blogging. You can donate by clicking on the amazon wishlist. Most books in the wishlist are priced less than $5. Or you can send your preloved books. Just leave a message and we will contact you on how you can help. Thank you so much in advance.
You can call the numbers above or leave a message/comment on my blogsite
Monday, August 25, 2008
Kids Ahoy Adventure
I found Kids Ahoy through TV, I saw it in GMA, some cute kids learning photography, after that I looked it up in the internet and I found kids ahoy. When I saw their multiply site, I was pleased to see that their doing all kinds of things, nature treks, arts class, lots of beautiful happy faces on their site.
I left a comment on their site a few months ago, but when I learned that they are only offering the photography class for 5 years old and above, I lost interest because I'm really just after the photography class at that time and since I'll be enrolling Jea to Kiddo Academy already I didn't bother looking at kids ahoy again.
After a few months I checked Kids Ahoy's site again and saw more nature tripping pictures. That got me interested again, I would like my daughter to experience that. I would like her to see trees and insects and try to climb a tree. I like her to meet some more friends and for me to spend some more substantial bonding time with her.
I'm a single mom, so its double pressure for me to spend some quality time with my daughter since she doesn't have anybody else but me. I play with her, read her books and go to mall with her and eat all those happy meal. But after a while it becomes a routine, buying her more toys doesn't teach her good manners either. I don't like her to think that I love her because I bought her favorite doll. I want her to remember that we had so much fun doing, this and this and this. I don't like her to tell her friends that she knows that I love her because I buy her a lot of happy meal toys and we eat a lot of chicken nuggets. So I told myself, this will be fun. So I called up Kids Ahoy and registered for the open house. I thought its a really formal school that I have to reserve my attendance and all.
So we went there last Saturday, we are too early, in fact we had to stop by Dunkin Donuts first on our way just to kill time. We are already in Aurora Blvd. at 12:15 and the class is for 1pm. It wasn't hard for me to look for the location, I just looked for the street name and at end I saw this beautiful spanish era house with some banderitas. I knew this is the one since I saw it from their multiply site, but it was too quiet, it looks like just a house, no screaming kids yet so I knew I'm still too early. Teacher Aia welcomed us and tell us about Kids Ahoy, up to this point I'm still thinking that she will go on on telling us about the fees, school rules, guideline etc. The usual topics that I would hear in a school orientation, but this was different. She led us through the house and showed us the spaces and tells us about the children. By this introduction only, I already knew that the children is the most important part of the school. In my mind that is really good, you wouldn't hear the teacher tell about you that I'm a good teacher because I graduated here and took all this courses, (most preschools are like that.) This school is great because we have this and we offer that etc. Teacher Aia talked about the kids, how they love it here.

Then came in the mommies, they are so accommodating. They welcomed me and Jea as if we knew each other for a long time already. They acted as friends, and not the flashy mommies that I find in other schools. Although a little shy at first Jea likes being there. They we're allowed to run around, draw on floors and walls. A lot of freedom, freedom to have fun and just be kids. No pressure, just playing and having fun. In this school they are not limited on what they can do, on what they can learn. There is no big poster about rules, that tells kids on what not to do. In fact I didn't hear anybody say no.
When I heard teacher Aia said, let's play "Taguan base" my eyes sparkled, in my head wow, the kids can run, they can be kids. They can really play the way we used to. There is no Computers, PSP or other techie stuff that the kids nowadays have known as "play" in Kids Ahoy they can actually play.
On top of all this, when I got to talk to the wonderful mommies there, I learned that this is a community, that the parents and the kids are really friends, the teachers teach like its their own kids that they are teaching. Its more personal and more sincere. They did not organize this group to earn money, they have a vision of having a place where their kids can learn and have fun, together with their mommies. "Learning" that is a lot different from what other schools are offering. I don't know how to really explain it. For me I went there to look for a place to spend some bonding time with my daughter. To find a place where she can learn more stuff and have fun. Looks like I found more than that.
Its not just Jea that found new friends, me too. I'm glad to find Kids Ahoy. Looks like Jea and me will be spending a lot of our weekends with them.
In fact I got so into their vision, I understand their passion that as I drive home with Jea I kept on thinking what I can teach. I'd like to teach there too, even without pay.That way I dint not only got to spend some precious time with my daughter but I can also share it with her new friends and my new friends. Can't think of something yet, I think I can teach arts and craft too, but teacher Aia is already doing wonderful things with that. Hopefully I'll come up with something, hopefully they will allow me to teach too.
This are some excerpts on my conversation with Jea as we were driving home:
Me: Did you had fun?
Jea: Ah, yes mommy, dun nalang ako school ha.
Me: Next week we will join their nature trip, we will climb trees.
Jea: Pano yun? Pano tyo climb trees?
Me: I don't know baby, they will teach us.
Jea: Siguro, parang Monkey!

This are some excerpts on my conversation with Jea as we were driving home:
Me: Did you had fun?
Jea: Ah, yes mommy, dun nalang ako school ha.
Me: Next week we will join their nature trip, we will climb trees.
Jea: Pano yun? Pano tyo climb trees?
Me: I don't know baby, they will teach us.
Jea: Siguro, parang Monkey!
I lost 5lbs!!!!!!
I lost 5lbs already, without doing much. I walk 2 times a week, other than that didn't do anything else. I'm really lazy now when it comes to exercise. And I dont have the time to do that. Next option really is going under the knife.I still need to lose 60lbs more.
I posted a blog few weeks ago about trying to lose weight. But I got insecured about it and kept it as draft only instead of posting it here. I was a ramp model some few years ago, and back then I didn't have a problem on what to wear. Now with at least 50lbs above my normal weight I will need a tummy tuck before I fit in my old clothes. I also have to consider liposuction, sometimes I get desperate that I tell myself that the moment I get enough money I'll do liposuction. Its really frustrating to see myself on the mirror. It would have been a lot better if I've always been big, a little easier to take since I'm so used to it. But no, I was a ramp model for God's sake!
One good thing about getting fat is that I get big breast too, no need for breast augmentation. But wait, if lose all the weight after the liposuction and tummy tuck, I might need that too.
There are a lot of people who will consider that. I would if I have the money or the courage, to go under the knife. There are a lot of not surgical treatments out there too I'm sure rodeo drive offers that too.
I posted a blog few weeks ago about trying to lose weight. But I got insecured about it and kept it as draft only instead of posting it here. I was a ramp model some few years ago, and back then I didn't have a problem on what to wear. Now with at least 50lbs above my normal weight I will need a tummy tuck before I fit in my old clothes. I also have to consider liposuction, sometimes I get desperate that I tell myself that the moment I get enough money I'll do liposuction. Its really frustrating to see myself on the mirror. It would have been a lot better if I've always been big, a little easier to take since I'm so used to it. But no, I was a ramp model for God's sake!
One good thing about getting fat is that I get big breast too, no need for breast augmentation. But wait, if lose all the weight after the liposuction and tummy tuck, I might need that too.
There are a lot of people who will consider that. I would if I have the money or the courage, to go under the knife. There are a lot of not surgical treatments out there too I'm sure rodeo drive offers that too.
Friday, August 22, 2008
spread the love
{Start Copy Here}

(Pls. don't remove) Credits: Elements/Paper by Dani Mogstad/ Layout by JennyL
1. Don't remove the credits when you post the image
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. Remember to come back here at A SLICE OF LIFE (pls. don't change this link)and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
6. Spread the BLOG LOVE FEVER!!
BLOGGERS:1. Jenny Said So 2.) Simply Jen 3.) This and That 4.) Bargain.Sales.Deals. 5. A Slice of Life 6.) Aussie Talks 7. When Mom Talks 8. Mommy Talks 9 Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps 10 All Kinds of Me Stuff 11 The Salad Caper 12. Winding Creek Circle 13. InkBabyStudios 14. Me and Mine 15. Creative in Me 16. For the LOVE of Food 17. Little Peanut 18. Pea in a Pod 19. It’s Where the HEART Is 20. Around the World 21. SugarMagnolias 22. Sweet..pretty..naughty 127.Memory Filled
{End Copy Here}
NOW I am spreading the BLOG LOVE to munchkin mommy, ZJ, dette, teacher Julie mama grizzly.. go go girls spread the love!!!

(Pls. don't remove) Credits: Elements/Paper by Dani Mogstad/ Layout by JennyL
1. Don't remove the credits when you post the image
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. Remember to come back here at A SLICE OF LIFE (pls. don't change this link)and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
6. Spread the BLOG LOVE FEVER!!
BLOGGERS:1. Jenny Said So 2.) Simply Jen 3.) This and That 4.) Bargain.Sales.Deals. 5. A Slice of Life 6.) Aussie Talks 7. When Mom Talks 8. Mommy Talks 9 Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps 10 All Kinds of Me Stuff 11 The Salad Caper 12. Winding Creek Circle 13. InkBabyStudios 14. Me and Mine 15. Creative in Me 16. For the LOVE of Food 17. Little Peanut 18. Pea in a Pod 19. It’s Where the HEART Is 20. Around the World 21. SugarMagnolias 22. Sweet..pretty..naughty 127.Memory Filled
{End Copy Here}
NOW I am spreading the BLOG LOVE to munchkin mommy, ZJ, dette, teacher Julie mama grizzly.. go go girls spread the love!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My daughter the accidental fashion victim
I just got a call from my 3 year old daughter. She is crying and I panicked, so I opened the CCTV Monitor from her school so that I can see whats happening. I thought its something to be scared about, shes crying and she has to call me from her cellphone.
Going back to the story, she is crying because her new sandals is missing. Her class is 3 times a week on full day, yes full day 8am to 5pm. Sometime they have to change to casual clothes in the after if they soiled their uniforms already, so she has a bunch of clothes there already. I brought her dress in yellow and green checkered today, she has all sort of things there already and would be for replenishment of her back-up clothes only.
Her ever "reliable" (imagine the most sarcastic voice) yaya told us that its in school. We've been looking for it for days, since its new she always ask for it. Now that she has to change shoes, its nowhere in sight. Its thei P.E. day today so, that mean her only shoes is her pink chunky rubber shoes. And I saw her teacher dressing her up with the yellow and gree dress with black wand white striped leggings and a pink rubber shoes. I know punk is in, in some age bracket or in some culture but not for my daughter. I can already imagine how she looks like. No wonder, why she has to call me in panic. Eventhough she's only 3 she already knows what looks good or not. She doesnt want to be a fashion victim
I'll post the picture tomorrow. I'll take her picture as I fetch her from school.
I can already see those eyebrows raising as the readers read this blog. Yes, i gave my 3 year old daughter a cellphone, its a hand me down. And yes she already know how to use a cellphone. And yes I can see her my pc monitor in the office as I do my work or write this blog. Their school has a CCTV system that lets you see evrything in school as they teach them to sing, dance write letter A etc. And yes im a very paranoid mom.
Going back to the story, she is crying because her new sandals is missing. Her class is 3 times a week on full day, yes full day 8am to 5pm. Sometime they have to change to casual clothes in the after if they soiled their uniforms already, so she has a bunch of clothes there already. I brought her dress in yellow and green checkered today, she has all sort of things there already and would be for replenishment of her back-up clothes only.
Her ever "reliable" (imagine the most sarcastic voice) yaya told us that its in school. We've been looking for it for days, since its new she always ask for it. Now that she has to change shoes, its nowhere in sight. Its thei P.E. day today so, that mean her only shoes is her pink chunky rubber shoes. And I saw her teacher dressing her up with the yellow and gree dress with black wand white striped leggings and a pink rubber shoes. I know punk is in, in some age bracket or in some culture but not for my daughter. I can already imagine how she looks like. No wonder, why she has to call me in panic. Eventhough she's only 3 she already knows what looks good or not. She doesnt want to be a fashion victim
I'll post the picture tomorrow. I'll take her picture as I fetch her from school.
Litratong Pinoy- Mithi

Simple lng po ang aking mithi sa buhay. Ito ay ang mabigyan ng walang humpay na kaligayahan ang aking anak. Ang makita siyang npakaligaya ay isang katuparan at pagpapatunay na ako ay naging mabuting ina.
At dahil dito gusto ko sang hingin ang inyong suporta, ako po ay nasa Top Momma prin! Magtatatlong araw na ako dito. Sana ay suportahan nyo ko sa pamamagitan ng pag click sa Top Momma Icon na nandito at i-click muli ang litrato ng aking anak na gaya ng larawang ito na makikita sa
Im in Top Momma, please vote for me so that I'll stay on top.
Here is the link to vote..and please click on this picture as you go to the website... thank you so much... Need your support..

Looking for a Babysitter
I wish I can new find a babysitter soon. My daughters nanny si really getting into my nerves. We had our nanny for a about 5 months now, we've known her family for a long time so I could say that we can really trust her. But, Im really getting irritated with her this past few weeks because she always, always talks back and give so many excuses. This is what I ahte the most with babysitters. Why she just do what I ask her to do? I always see toys lying around the house. And when I come home Jea looks so dirty, she let her go down the street and run around while there are cars passing by. Then there was this one time that Jea told me that she went to wet market?! I really got mad. What if she got sick? What if she slipped. And wet market here in the Philippines are really wet, I mean muddy floors all over. So many people with all sorts of commodities. We never brought Jea to the market we knew that its just not safe for her. To think that I already told here few weeks before not to bring Jea outside, she can play with her cousins at home. And she brought her to the wet market?!
I really want to fire the nanny, but I cant it would be hard for me to get a replacement. Good thing there is a website that I can look for babysitting jobs. This is really nice, its like job hunting site only specifically for babysitters. You can post you profile if your a babysitter looking for a job and you can also post your preference for a babysitter if your a mom, looking for a second mom who will take care your baby while your working. Another good thing is they have standard rates of what you should pay. You will never ever over pay the sitter that didnt even care about your kids. There are also tips and tricks that gives you more ideas on how to manage those lovable kids.
I really want to fire the nanny, but I cant it would be hard for me to get a replacement. Good thing there is a website that I can look for babysitting jobs. This is really nice, its like job hunting site only specifically for babysitters. You can post you profile if your a babysitter looking for a job and you can also post your preference for a babysitter if your a mom, looking for a second mom who will take care your baby while your working. Another good thing is they have standard rates of what you should pay. You will never ever over pay the sitter that didnt even care about your kids. There are also tips and tricks that gives you more ideas on how to manage those lovable kids.
My Pillow
We went to the groceries last weekend to buy snacks "baon" for Jea for school. I got a pack of chocolate drink, a pack of biscuits, cupackes and this snack Pillow Oishi
. She always sits inside the shopping cart which we both like. She like it because she treats it like her car and I like it because she stays put inside. I will not worry about her getting so many other things that she doesnt need and out of our budget. So when I handed it to her, the "pillow" snack she looked up to Nang nang Pau and said "My pillow" puts her head on top of it closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.. We laughed so hard, this girl really have a lot of sense of humor and a lot of creative ideas. She always comes out with interesting punchlines, that we dont even know where she gets. There is really no boring moment when she's around.

Paying time is here Again
I just got my salary on the 15th and after I paid Jea's monthly tuition fee and paid the nanny, groceries, etc. I realized I dont have enough budget to lst me till next payday, looks like I have to chase personal loan that I saw last week. Need to get that instant wallet replenishment LOL.
Wait! I also rembered that I got to pay my credit card this week. This mean I really have to chase personal loans that is made available for me. Im really panicking, I've got too many loans to pay. Too many bills to think about. Heartaches of being a single mom. I have to worry about everything. I have to cut down on my shopping. I really have to budget my finances before I get too desperate to chase unsecured personal loans.
Hopefully next week, I'll get a better hold of my finances so that I will not need to chase personal loan again in the near future.
In a few months I'll be debt free as I will finish paying loan for the laptop I bought. I have to thank my mom for assiting me on this. Personal loans really helped me get through some financial difficulties before. If you need financial assistance you can contact them here
Accommodative Financial Solutions
Toll Free (877) 207-1396
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Wait! I also rembered that I got to pay my credit card this week. This mean I really have to chase personal loans that is made available for me. Im really panicking, I've got too many loans to pay. Too many bills to think about. Heartaches of being a single mom. I have to worry about everything. I have to cut down on my shopping. I really have to budget my finances before I get too desperate to chase unsecured personal loans.
Hopefully next week, I'll get a better hold of my finances so that I will not need to chase personal loan again in the near future.
In a few months I'll be debt free as I will finish paying loan for the laptop I bought. I have to thank my mom for assiting me on this. Personal loans really helped me get through some financial difficulties before. If you need financial assistance you can contact them here
Accommodative Financial Solutions
Toll Free (877) 207-1396
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Im in Top Momma
Im in Top Momma, please vote for me so that I'll stay on top.
Here is the link to vote..and please click on this picture as you go to the website... thank you so much... Need your support..

wordless wednesday # 13
A day in the hospital.

She was still feeling sick on this first photo (the IV is still on her hand)

This picture was taken 2 years ago, she was just about 9 months old then. She got hospitalized because of some virus that she got from who know where. She is a very lively and happy child as you can see. As if she doesnt feel sick at all. I think this was our last day in the hospital, the IV on her right hand is already gone.
Until now, everytime we pass by that hospital she would always sat "dyan ako naospital no?" I got hospitalized there..
Still very sweet..pretty and naughty

She was still feeling sick on this first photo (the IV is still on her hand)

This picture was taken 2 years ago, she was just about 9 months old then. She got hospitalized because of some virus that she got from who know where. She is a very lively and happy child as you can see. As if she doesnt feel sick at all. I think this was our last day in the hospital, the IV on her right hand is already gone.
Until now, everytime we pass by that hospital she would always sat "dyan ako naospital no?" I got hospitalized there..
Still very sweet..pretty and naughty
Monday, August 18, 2008
Weekend snapshot #4 Bestfriend and babies
Here is a photo of my birthday on a weekend some few years ago.. This is for my bestfriend Owie, Happy Birthday! sorry to miss the party..
This is the then...

They actually ended up as classmates in nursery... we wouldnt be surprised if they ended up as bestfriends too.. click here to see the now or follow the link below
This is the then...
They actually ended up as classmates in nursery... we wouldnt be surprised if they ended up as bestfriends too.. click here to see the now or follow the link below
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
wordless wednesday # 11/ Litratong Pinoy -Liwaliw
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Punta de Fabian
Punta de Fabian, Barras Rizal
July 26-27 2008
We were suppose to go on August 2 for the celebration of Kuya and my birthday, but we had to reschedule it a week before so that we can attend the first Saturday mass where the whole family is suppose to sing. We were all sick that week.
We finally got in the resort by around 8pm, its pitch dark already and the route that we took was very long. Jea is getting bored in the car, that she kept on asking for milk, for this and that. So we just told her we are very near na, then shed ask for something else, we just kept on entertaining her as she entertained us with her singing. All five hours in the car she kept on singing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday…. Two days of the week (it should be “this are the days of the week”). When asked why we are going to the resort her answer was “ To eat, to sleep and then eat again, and then sleep again.” These all made us break into laughter.
The place was beautiful; we didn’t see it at first when we arrived that night. We have reservations for two rooms. But when we took a look, 1 is already good enough for all 8 of us. We even have an extra bed. There were 3 bedrooms with 2 beds each, one even have a queen size bed. There is also a living area, this where we spent most of the time while in the resort, second only to the swimming pool. The bathroom was huge, infact it can fit 3 standard size bathrooms in it.
The landscaping is also beautiful. There are Zen type kiosks in some corners which I really liked. It really looks Japanese. There’s a multipurpose area where parties can be held, its structure is made to look floating above a pond, which unfortunately when we where not yet developed, as it still doesn’t have water in it. But I recognize the intention. There is aviary which Nang nang Pau tried her best not to go near to (Pau is really scared of birds). The pool is really inviting, there’s the adult pool which is shaped in irregular curves which is connected to the kiddie pool and the Jacuzzi. It’s surrounded with a break out areas that has magnificent view of the Sierra Madre Mountains. There is a covered al fresco area that can comfortably sit 50 to 60, with a separate bar and powder room. There are several, sort of gazebo with 2 level decks that gives a good impression of contemporary minimalist architecture.
The next morning we had breakfast in the restaurant by the pool side. There were also some merchandise that they offer, sort of “tiange” . We all had a filling breakfast, the waiters are very hospitable, and In fact all the staff is. Right after the breakfast, mama, nong nang me and jea took accepted the pool’s invitation. Their shower area is underneath the al fresco dining, which is finished nicely with stones. While the oldies papa, tita Tess & tito Jun, bought a lot of merchandise, shirt, shorts, slippers, bags. Then it started to rain really hard, which makes it more fun to swim. We had a lot of fun, we get to swim and played in the rain at the same time. Jea didn’t even bother to play in the playground, we just stayed in the pool all morning. We went back to the room to shower and ate snacks. Then off we go outside again for photo-op.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Litratong Pinoy #10 Ako!
Six Quirky things about me
I was tagged by my new friend zj of sreisaat adventures. This was long over duem my internet connection was down for a long time so here it is
The Rules
* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Mention the rules.
* Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
* Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
* Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment to let them know that they’ve been tagged.
My Quirks
1. I love bagoong so much that I can eat it alone with rice.
2. I like spicy foods, I can even eat a siling labuyo.
3. I hate it when my mom tells me what to do. For god's sake im already 27 years old, i know that I have to brush my teeth before I go to sleep.
4. I hate my family sometimes and I cant stand them most of the time, but I cant live without them too.
5. That I take a bath very very fast, I can finsih in 5 minutes. Its just systematizing what to do, first I wet my hair and shampoo, as I soap my body I turn a around so that the water from the shower pours over my hair and Im already rinsing my hair as I soap my body. Then rinse everything else. Done!
6. I love my daughter so much, but there are times that I shout at her too, when Im so irritated already. Well, somebody has to discipline her right, everybody gives what she wants, if I will not do that she will turn out to be a brat. But I really feel bad afterwards. A mom has to do what a mom has to do.
There you go... that's me.
Now I want to pass this on to my blogger-friends, namely:
Teacher Julie
mommy bytes
just lizz
my planet purple
ladybug landings
a piece of my mind
The Rules
* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Mention the rules.
* Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
* Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
* Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment to let them know that they’ve been tagged.
My Quirks
1. I love bagoong so much that I can eat it alone with rice.
2. I like spicy foods, I can even eat a siling labuyo.
3. I hate it when my mom tells me what to do. For god's sake im already 27 years old, i know that I have to brush my teeth before I go to sleep.
4. I hate my family sometimes and I cant stand them most of the time, but I cant live without them too.
5. That I take a bath very very fast, I can finsih in 5 minutes. Its just systematizing what to do, first I wet my hair and shampoo, as I soap my body I turn a around so that the water from the shower pours over my hair and Im already rinsing my hair as I soap my body. Then rinse everything else. Done!
6. I love my daughter so much, but there are times that I shout at her too, when Im so irritated already. Well, somebody has to discipline her right, everybody gives what she wants, if I will not do that she will turn out to be a brat. But I really feel bad afterwards. A mom has to do what a mom has to do.
There you go... that's me.
Now I want to pass this on to my blogger-friends, namely:
Teacher Julie
mommy bytes
just lizz
my planet purple
ladybug landings
a piece of my mind
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