This year has been really fruitful for us, in almost all aspects. As I mentioned already in my previous post, we received a lot of gifts from the Lord. We received a lot of blessings, most of which we didn't even thought we will be able to get. I learned a lot this year. I believe that that year was one of those years that I got a lot of trials to go through. I changed a lot, my perspective, my dreams, my life. I started this year dead broke, I mean really deep in debt. I started the year with a loan of Php 80,000 to pay for a previous loan that was originally at Php 60,000. I managed to pay off Php 32,000 of it before all those chaos started. The credit card debt went all the way up to Php80,000, but I was able to pay all that this year.
One of the thing the really helped me regain my financial freedom is blog advertising. Just a few months ago I didn't even believe in it, I didn't believe that they do actually pay. I've been blogging for more than 2 years already but I just recently discovered that there are a lot of bloggers out there getting paid to blog. So, I asked around, visited countless blogs and asked, there are friendly bloggers but there a nasty ones too. I joined a lot of sites, looking for sponsored reviews. At first, i didn't get much off opportunities, so I researched some more, and became more observant about other blogs and bloggers. So enough I managed to learn to increase traffic, page ranks, alexa rank, real rank and the likes. I am not keen to all of this stuff, they are too technical for me and I do believe that a blog should be more personal, but what the heck let me try. So I did, and in my first month I earned more than $300, something that I never thought would and can be earned writing very simple post. This is easy, fun and very rewarding, it doesn't even feel like work. I started this year with tones of debt and zero savings account. I am ending this year with zero debt and tons of savings, not to mention that I already bought Php6000 worth of toy as gift for little J, and some more for my godchildren, family and friends. Blog Advertising helped me a lot. The money I earn from it goes directly to my savings, since it is extra money not really accounted in the monthly budgeting.
If you think that I was the one who splurge so much for "toys" for little J? No, my mom bought her something more special and more expensive, be back here in the coming days and I'll post what it is. Don't know exactly how much it cost, but its more that Php6,000. Little J is really one lucky girl. I had to ask my mom if it's really true, if she is really giving it to little J as a gift and it is!
Type rest of the post here
oh yeah Jea is real lucky
you know it is true
you know what is right
I am still unable to login to payingpost
email and email just the same
kind of fed up about it
you lucky you get post there
as for me just kept waiting only and still the same as can't login
jea got the present she must be really happy
is good that your mom is supportive too
family is so important
when you need help family will be the first!
family is always there for you
who you think most important family or friend?
wonder what jes is doing now
financial freedom I want that too
I am having financial burden
I am not very good in handling finance
is always easy to say than do it
oh yeah wanted to ask if you have alertpay
I am just asking
getting paid to great
I mean get paid to blog
my friend has her baby and telling me that she regret having her baby early
she said she missed pregnancy
I can't believe she said that as she is doing well
its the reason she spend money like water
things she bought is branded and expensive
she has a son and she and her hubby spoiled him. Buy all expensive toys for him
its very expensive more expensive than yours. its all imported toys like a motor car, $800 for that
its only a toy and the money can be use for saving.
I know some people may feel that having the money now just spend them and later earn again.
spending is always easy than saving
dont say about them I am a spender too
I always regret after buying but you can not turn back the time
I know its not fair to compare
I am wanting to know more about how to ease the financial burden
oh yeah I just email to ask for password again from payingpost and its same password I use just can't login
that really bad!
anyway I told my friend that she can have another baby. She told me is financial stress
just now I have a strong coffeee
here one thing I have in mind is that my contest will need participants to tell about their new year wish
or you called it new year resolution?
now your bro wedding is over, he and his wife any plan of honeymooon?
maybe like domestic tour or international tour
wow I just found out a blogger won $100 thats not me!
she got the most traffic on blog to the contest blog thats why!
I think its a blessing to be able to work online
I mean earning online
I always think of if I can wake up next morning to be financial free how nice!
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