Since, I feel really blessed, I have to think hard of what to ask Santa. I am considering that my Santa is the Lord, so this Christmas wish is also like a prayer to God. So here it is:
1. I wish for our family to stay together and always love and understand each other even though we have a very dis functional family, really chaotic household but I still consider that with all the hardship that we went through and still mange to stick together, heck this is one family that will always stick together. Even though we always have petty quarrels we always manage to make peace with each other.
2. I wish for healthy life for all of us, my parents are not getting any younger so I hope they stay healthy as now, also for little J and me too.
3. I wish for more clients for my work and more bonus for me.
4. I wish to have time for myself and my friends.
5. I wish that little J will do great in school as she is doing now. If she keeps on getting perfect grades she may be accelerated, let's see.
6. I wish to meet more wonderful friends here online. More opps too!
7. I wish to find that someone who will love me and little J, the way we deserve to be loved, or for a miracle that little J's father and me to get back together. But again, I think it will take a miracle to make that happen.
These are all the things that I wish for for the next year. I am looking forward for a wonderful 2009, I will take a lot of pictures for this holiday season. I will post it here soon and hopefull to be framed in a digital frame.What about you? got a wish?
I am including a video here on how to put all those pictures in a digital frame, perfect for the holidays.
Type rest of the post here
wow!!! that's very nice wish!!!
dont worry Santa will grant them...=)
pray hard my friend!
im wishing good health too for my mama, mga kapatid and their family....
and most of all my husband, my kids and Me as well!
i think you still love Jea's father.... i will help you pray for that!
whatever your wish are....ill help you pray for you!
im wishing for more friends too from here and i already found you, sherry and enchie!!! thanks to you!!!
and also with chris..though were not talking that often, i know in her heart that she's mabait and friendly too!
im wishing for more clients too!! ahahh so i will have more benta!!!
and ofcourse....JEA's grade..hmm i think that wish was aleady granted hehehe =)
goodluck to you sis!!! hope all your wishes will come true!
more blessings to come!!!
good health for you and for your loveones!!!
wow hi Jes, how you doing
yeah it is very nice wish
I wish well for my dad he is forgetful lately
I wish well for my mom too
my mom has diabetes
I wish for my sis to be able think better
I wish my sis will think for my parents
Jes I found you here
Glad to be your friend
you are so kind Jes
I wish get to know you better Jes and architect
I wish I can find side income beside paid post
I wish if there is an online shop for myself.
I wish the world peace
I wish the earth have more green and less development
I think we loss trees
funny I thought I have comment this post
11.44pm now
I have put a list of sponsors on my left bar you can see
1 min to 12am time for a wish
I wish you all the best too!
you are so thougthful
got a wish and there is more than one
I wish my contest goes well
I wish sponsors co oprate with me
I mean I wish sponsor work with me
I wish I plan out everything goes well
okay I off to update sponsor
Jes did you list down your wish
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